By Robby

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How to write formal e-mails in English

Improve Spoken English

I've been working in a number of jobs where there'southward constant e-mailing going on – not to mention the fact that I've been running this website and providing customer support via e-mail since 2007 ❗

Then, as you can imagine , I know a matter or 2 about writing east-mails and how to make your e-mails effective, concise and to-the-point.

And considering that I've been receiving quite a few requests to provide a comprehensive guide on how to write e-mails in English, I decided to publish this article where I've compiled the most popular means of expression used in formal e-mails.

Now, traditionally people would dissever east-mails into two types:

  • Formal e-mails which is official communication at work, with diverse institutions and people you don't know.
  • Informal east-mails which is when you due east-mail your friends, family unit and people yous know very well.

In reality though, it's sometimes quite hard to depict a distinct line between the two for the uncomplicated reason that you can have a state of affairs, for example, when you're very familiar with your superiors at work.

In theory, it would be considered formal communication.

In reality, there'south nothing wrong with y'all using less formal means of expression in that communication – and believe me, it's common do in companies and organizations all over the world!

Anyhow, for the sake of simplicity , we will look at formal and informal due east-post writing separately, so in today's commodity let's run across what English language phraseology and expressions is used when writing formal eastward-mails.


A greeting is the first line of the electronic mail; basically information technology's how you accost the person you're contacting.

Dear Mr/Ms [ followed by surname], – it's worth noting that lately Ms is replacing Mrs (married) and Miss (an unmarried woman) then basically you take two options – Mr for men and Ms for women.

Love [followed past name], – if it's a person you know on a more than personal level, yous can address them by their proper name, for example, a banking concern managing director who happens to be your former school mate.

Hi [ followed past name], – information technology's really totally acceptable to greet a person with a "Howdy!" fifty-fifty in professional e-mail correspondence provided you lot know each other very well – then in that location's no reason why you couldn't address your dominate, for example, the following style when writing an e-mail: "Howdy Mark,…"!

Opening phrases

Opening phrases are the ones you'd typically apply to provide the main reason for writing the e-mail.

In relation to the e-mail I received, – if your e-post is a response to another eastward-mail sent by that person, this is a practiced style of starting it.

I am writing in relation to – and this is a great way of beginning a sentence which would explicate why yous're writing the electronic mail.

I am writing in connection with – this is pretty much the same phrase as the previous one.

I am writing with regard to – and this one also conveys the same message, it's merely that it's worded differently.

Sorry for the late reply, I have been… – if you've been unable to respond to the original eastward-mail service for a while, this is how y'all tin start yours: "Sorry for the late reply, I accept been out sick since Monday (away on a business organisation trip)."

I am pitiful it has taken me and so long to respond to your query – it's only human that yous can't always reply to your piece of work-related e-mails on time, and this is a perfect way of apologizing to a customer, for example, for keeping them waiting.

With reference to…, I would like to inform you that… – this is a very handy way of letting the other person know why you're writing the electronic mail.

Cheers and then much for the quick response, I really appreciate it! – this phrase, I guess, is quite self-explanatory, isn't it?

Thank you for getting in affect with me (u.s.a.)! – I often start my e-mails with this phrase and the reason I practise information technology is uncomplicated plenty – I desire to make the recipient feel appreciated, and I'd warmly suggest you lot do the same if working in a client support related industry.

If you are interested to know more useful expressions, read also this commodity: 35 Perfect Ways of Starting Sentences in English!

Providing information

I would similar to inform yous that… – this is how you can start a sentence where you're providing specific information to the recipient of that e-mail.

I am writing to inform you that… – pretty much the same as the previous one.

I am writing to let you know that… – and once again, this phrase can exist used the exact same way as the ii previous ones, it'due south just that it's worded a bit differently!

I am attaching the file (report, spreadsheet etc.) you requested to this electronic mail – if y'all have attached something to your e-mail, this is how you describe it.

Please run into the file (report, spreadsheet etc.) attached – a different, simpler way of describing the same thing as in a higher place.

According to the information available to me,… – a cracking way of starting a sentence in which y'all're letting the east-postal service recipient know that whatever you lot're saying is based on a item source of information.

I regret to inform y'all that… – this is how you provide bad news such as refusals via an electronic mail. For case, the mortgage application has been turned downward and you have to inform the customer of that decision.

I am pleased to inform you that… – and this is how yous give good news!

Asking for data/favors

I would really capeesh if you could provide me with some information on… – if you're asking for some specifics via an e-post, this is the right manner of doing information technology.

I would be grateful if you lot could… – and this is how you tin initiate a request asking the other person to do something for yous.

I was wondering if you could…? – this is an alternative fashion of request the same matter.

I understand you must be extremely busy at this time of the year, but I would really appreciate if you lot could… – nearly industries experience seasonal growth in sales figures or demand for their services, then if you happen to contact someone at that fourth dimension of the year via an email – this is a practiced sentence to utilize!

… at your earliest convenience – this English language expression but means "whenever you get a take a chance" and can be used in the following context, for case: "Please fill up in the class attached to this e-mail at your earliest convenience."

I am sorry to inquire you this on such short find, just… – if you're giving the other person very footling time to reply to your e-mail, this is the right manner of apologizing for information technology.

Making promises

I tin assure y'all that… – this is how you reassure the electronic mail recipient of a successful finish-effect.

I will look into the matter every bit soon as possible – cocky-explanatory, isn't that right?

… and I will inform you in due form – the expression "due grade" merely means that y'all'll go far touch with the other person when the data is bachelor to you lot!

Closing phrases

If you require any farther information, delight practise not hesitate to contact me – this is how I ofttimes shut my e-mails when responding to a customer's query.

If you require any farther information, please experience free to contact me at whatever time! – some other way of closing the e-mail and encouraging the other person to contact yous if they have whatsoever need to practice so.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon – this is one of the nearly normally used phrases in written communication, but it doesn't mean you should stay away from it – it's quite the opposite, really! It'south a great way of finishing the electronic mail and letting the other person know that you lot're eager to hear from them before long.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the filibuster – if you've been late dealing with this detail east-postal service, this is how you apologize for it at the finish of your written response.

Please allow me know how I tin be of further assistance – some other pop phrase of finishing off your east-mail and reassuring the client, for example, to get dorsum to you in case they take any further questions.

Please allow me know if you… – this is how you'd start a sentence when asking the other person to inform y'all in instance they need something.

Delight suggest equally necessary – this is a very formal phrase which can exist used as a general endmost of the e-mail – it basically tells the recipient of your email to keep yous informed.

Complimentary close (followed past your name)

All-time Regards, Kind Regards, Regards, Sincerely, – I guess there'due south no need to explain what those words mean – nosotros've all seen them and virtually likely used them, and there'southward no real need to endeavour and find any differences between them.

Suffice it to say , they can all be used interchangeably as a way of paying your respect to the person who's going to read the due east-mail.

I, for example, sign my e-mails with "All-time Regards" – but and so again , at that place's no reason every bit to why I couldn't use "Sincerely" or just "Regards". It'due south just that I've gotten used to using "Best Regards", that's all!

Sample due east-Mail

And here's a fictional due east-mail that I'grand going to write just to evidence yous how all those phrases tin can exist used in real life advice!

Dear Mary ,

Cheers for getting in touch with us , and I actually hope that this marks the offset of a long and mutually beneficial relationship between us!

With reference to your broadband connection application, I would similar to inform y'all that our service is available in your building and I am writing to inform you lot that 1 of our engineers is going to exist in touch with y'all within the next 24 hours to conform a visit.

Also, I would be actually grateful if you lot could answer to this e-mail today with a filled in contract – please see the application grade fastened beneath.

I am sorry to ask you this on such curt notice, but delight allow me to point out that it is in your best interests to get it done as speedily as possible to avoid any delays due to an increased subscriber activeness in the area.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon ,

Kind Regards ,


Customer Services

Using Contractions in Formal electronic mail Writing

If your e-post communication happens on a very official chapters (meaning – you communicate with customers or superiors in relation to very important matters), effort to avoid contractions. It means you accept to write "I am" instead of "I'm" and so on.

The less formal the e-post is, the more likely y'all are to utilise contractions, and by the fashion – if I were to write the to a higher place electronic mail in real life, I would most likely write "I'thousand looking forward…" instead of "I am looking forward" and so on.

I'g a actually friendly guy, you know, so personally I would see the lack of contractions every bit a as well formal mode of writing.

But then once again – it all might depend on the visitor policy, and so I gauge information technology'due south always best to run information technology by someone first – simply to avoid getting yourself in trouble!


P.S. Would you like to find out why I'1000 highlighting some of the text in red? Read this commodity and you'll acquire why it's so important to learn idiomatic expressions and how information technology will help you to improve your spoken English!

P.S.S. Are you serious nigh your spoken English improvement? Check out my English Harmony System HERE!

English Harmony System

P.South. Are you serious about your spoken English improvement? Check out the English language Harmony System Here!

English Harmony System